Youth Ministry

We are driven by our value of being a multi-generational church, and this means we are focused on raising up the next generation for Christ! We desire to come alongside the discipleship efforts of parents to see our students’ faith come alive; we desire for them to begin to wrestle through the implications of what following Christ means in the context of their lives and futures, as we make ourselves available to help guide them as safe, trusted, spiritually mature resources. 

Sunday School

Youth Sunday School begins following our fellowship time at 11:15 a.m and lasts until noon (from September to May). Bible-based curriculum seeks to engage the hearts and minds of our students with God’s Story of redemption in Christ, helping them to discern God’s call on their own lives and place in His Story. 

Wednesday Evenings

Our youth group meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please check our Events page for additional events and updates. 

Youth meet in the following locations:

  • Senior High Youth Group (9th-12th grade): Hope Hall
  • Jr. High Youth Group (7th-8th grade): Jr. High Youth Room
  • Chosen Youth Group (5th-6th grade): Begins October 6 in Room E203

From 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., students choose to participate in the “open gym” or socialize and play games like carpet-ball or foosball. Some students hang out at the gaga ball pit just outside Hope Hall. Soda is available in the fridge, and there’s always food for all! Youth Group includes Bible Study and occasional praise time, as well as periodic mission trips, camp-outs and more.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

We host an annual Vacation Bible School in July for 4 year-olds through 8th graders. We have a blast together, learning about Jesus, and meeting and serving new families with the love and joy of Christ! 

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